

This site has a multi-purpose objective as indicated by its contents designed to usher this contemporary world of ours towards the next higher platform related to human existence, functions and the well-being of our planet/mother Earth:

1.     To bring in a sanctified Transformation much needed for our planet & its occupants as a function of dynamic Divine inputs, as indicated in Divine Energy…& various Bulletins in the Service section: Revitalized Global-Economy & proper control over ‘Undesirable Climate Changes’ (UCC) is the immediate concern. The gruesome aspects of UCC includes: dealing with eradication of Global-warming & abrupt cooling /heavy snowing; pouring in uncalled misery. Tackling the despair of monsoon-failures, devastating floods, droughts etc are also controllable with accessible energy. Moreover, earthquakes, forest-fires and other so-termed natural calamities could also be prevented by such valuable Divine Energy / intercessions. Pre-preparations are being accomplished as an intent of this site to meet this prime objective, as a humble Service to mankind.

2.     To bring about common-awareness in regard to latent values of ancient wisdom pertaining to Human-science and various allied aspects necessary for one to transcend towards higher regions of Consciousness, as indicated by Human Spiritual-science in the Service section. Spiritual wisdom & Philosophical values are no substance to be referred towards retirement plans. Such elite knowledge needs to be practiced in one’s respective ‘field-of –action’; in order to transform the very basic of one’s human-essence.

3.     Presentation of some of my Aviation pro-stuff for pilots prepared by me whilst in service would serve an example; the need for perfect blend of knowledge of Spirit with science, at workplaces /field of actions*. Time demands to encourage all improve human-performance in every respect; the youth must be inspired towards professionalism instead of futile worldly-pursuits of groping under darkness of ignorance** to seek materialistic / sensual pleasures. Higher regions of Joy are awaiting to be conquered.

4.     Importance to respect established principles of moral-values & proper conduct in society & workplaces is extremely vital. Purpose of protecting and promoting values of fair-play, Truth & Righteousness / Law & Justice is most pertinent for a healthy environment conducive to result progress for humanity, is also to be presented soon.

5.     All are most welcome to bring-out queries or any such ideas which would be beneficial to mankind. By virtue of meditation & available wisdom; it is possible for anyone to converse with higher regions of Consciousness to find amicable solutions towards every aspect to make life joyous & our planet a more wondrous place to live in.

6.     At every point; it is ENERGY! that plays a vital role towards all existence upon this planet. Long-long back it was this substance called Energy which emanated out of the Creator and formed the entire colossal Cosmos containing billions of unimaginable galaxies. Our planet is just a tiny dust-particle residing in a minute galaxy in this gigantic entity of the Creator’s creation. How this wonder-element called ‘Energy’ can be made more understood, accessible & controlled; is the paramount enigma for research & implementation now? Arise! Awake! and get it, before it gets late.

7.    APPEAL: Indeed there are numerous sages, saints, religious-gurus, holy-men, spiritual-workshops, learned & wise people all around the world; most respectfully I make a humble prayer to please, either individually or collectively come forward and show that God exists & that the spirit-of-God can do wonders much needed for this planet at this juncture. The Creator needs a fit person; one amongst you good people to manifest Himself and deliver a more dynamic-form to accomplish the most specialized task of Transformation of our planet.  He has done it in past; the time has come for him to do it once again!

I also most respectfully appeal before all citizens, esteemed dignitaries, various politicians & officials worldwide, the ruling party and the Hon’ble members of the opposition parties, the various NGOs and public-welfare Society groups which are most effective in resulting good governance in a country; to please accord my pending case/ issues a fair-trial. The earlier the same is resolved the better it would be for all. I have no intention to seek selfish gains, but; the matter involved is a respect to higher principles of conduct most conducive for an effective Transformation is now much needed for the welfare of global citizenry.



Emphasis upon importance of the Multiple-Role of WOMEN IN LIFE & SOCIETY in order to bring in the requisite change in modern thinking.     ( R-1)

The status of women in every respect towards civilization need be considered most respectfully at par with their male counterpart now as women have proven their competence in every Field-of-Action pertaining to their role in society by exhibiting superb performance related to normal functions of a human-being. Indeed there may have been different outlook in past but it is time now to Transform our thinking more rationally as women’s spirit too has evolved by virtue of the unified human-evolutionary process. In fact their oppressed-role of past & the impartial treatment meted upon this pitiable gender has obligated Nature bless them with accelerated progress, in every respect. Indian Vedic /ancient literature uphold esteemed respect for this gender and recommend her worship to obtain blessings as a source of valuable Knowledge & Wisdom (gyan), Energy-Power (Shakti), Wealth & Intellect (dhan/buddhi) etc. During early civilization, as a requirement of that period this gender had to be thence made elegant, tender & delicate in regard to her outlook towards her Feminine physical-role & bodily functions for the better sake of humanity, as decided by the Creator. She gave us all birth by bearing us with love at the cost of her discomfort, nurtured us to become worthy youths; how could anyone forget those great periods of her sacrifices? (The Mother is the most Supreme impersonation upon earth for any Hindu). Whereas the menfolk were gifted with more masculine power & endurance to cope with the need of that time and thus became more dominating, perhaps due to the docile nature of the reserved lady role in that-time’s role & requirement of society.

No society is molded into any permanently recognizable-existence but its changes result out of an ever-evolving process of the prevailing Consciousness. Everything in this huge cosmos is temporary except for the Creator; even its creation is transitory. Like all species, life upon this planet either evolves or meets extinction; so is the philosophy on part of Mother-Nature who silently observed the over-burdened/ down-trodden women of past which made Nature help them spiritually to evolve well ahead and stride in pace with males, in every walk of life today. Males’ human-body were naturally-structured with additional physical strength to meet their respective roles in society thence but today the pen is more powerful, hence: that old concept becomes invalid. Both had something more than the other as required for a duo-life, designed by Mother-Nature. Imagine the life on planet without this most beautiful elegant gender: Do not lock yourself within primitive ideas; break-open those fetters & past bondages of discrimination which differentiates one Human-being as sub-standard to its other devoted partner. Love, respect & acceptance to newer standards of life is matter of concrete resolution vitally required now for any early relief for mankind in order to progress beyond this point of widespread misery looming over our weary Planet.

Divine Spirit runs all Physical-bodies and God does not have eyes to look at Physical-Forms but judges one by its output as a result of its contained Consciousness, which is in the form of a Spirit. Any bodily-form, i.e. male or female that results an output more beneficial to mankind need be respected. The human body’s Form is only a shell i.e. a vehicle to Perform deeds whereas the genderless Spirit flowing in these Forms matters more in respect to its purposeful deliverance towards a good collective Society and its onward journey of progress /evolution for all existence upon our Planet. These human body-Forms have developed well enough, now it is time to improve more upon the quality of the invisible Spirit flowing within these Forms; the result of such quality-processed is known as Consciousness. A fair introspection deep within one’s conscience would resolve every ambiguity.  Today it has become extremely pertinent for mankind to acquire wisdom pertaining to an approach towards any Graceful Energy-source of higher Supremacy in order to avail its advantages for progress & welfare of mankind. Expecting progress at the cost of scuttling women’s progress is totally absurd & not acceptable. The Creator hints us the dire need to Change / Transform our thinking out of our past experiences in this direction also besides other aspects presented in this site to end these appalling times of multiple adversities rotting the progress of humanity today.

All human-beings, whatsoever is the gender are considered equal in the eye of the Creator. If man could excel in some direction; women are more capable in other fields where man cannot even attempt to compete. It is humbly emphasized that: what matters more is the criteria of an ‘Achieved State of Consciousness’ i.e. that human be considered more superior, she or he, young or old, whosoever has acquired a higher state of Consciousness. It is the quality/ characteristics of the Spirit which has direct relevance to the acquired level of an individual’s Consciousness, for; such higher attainment contains the faculty of enhanced human-control over the ‘Capability & Ability’ aspects pertaining to Human-Performance. The quality of the Spirit which drives/motors the human-body matters more than the physical human-body frame outlook. The higher one transcends spiritually: the closer proximity one achieves with the Creator /God. .. as explained in the [H S-s] of the service section. Glorifying acumen contained within evolved citizenry of any gender need be respected as such elevated person can indubitably bail humanity out of the multiple-crises enigma, prevailing today.

Women, in fact have excelled men by their ‘Four-fold function’ as now commonly observed in society: they take care of their husband’s various needs, bring-up the children, manage the house/kitchen and also simultaneously work in offices /workplaces. How can this truth be overlooked? The human-body is only a vehicle used by the individualized Spirit/soul to Perform worldly actions. Just like a vehicle needs fuel to run so does a human’s physical-body need Spirit-power to function through the tiny physical human-brain similar to the engine of a car, as a power-pack to operate the physical-body. Whereas the colossal-sized human-Mind resides in Spirit-form mysteriously contained within an individual’s vast Consciousness/ Awareness. The un-measurable dimension of one’s Consciousness is directly proportional to one’s achievement spiritually, as explained in [H S-s].

 There need to be a fair Standard for human-performance i.e. a Qualification & Competence level established for all human-beings to acquire/attain in order to become accredited as worthy for a particular position in society or governance in any Field-of Action, performance-wise. As a rule of Righteousness & Fair-play whosoever achieves that targeted Standard must be respected; gender can never be a criterion as it is the Consciousness which determines the output of any human-being and NOT the physical-structure of a body. The Spirit of God flows unbiased through both genders without any variation; whosoever can harness that Spirit better is more superior. Let us learn to respect the norms of Fair-play, Principles of Truth and the Values of Righteousness in order to progress ahead towards a more wondrous, Joyous, & a purposeful life in future. Past scriptures were made That-way at That-time and now needs to be amended Thisway for Thesetimes. In fact every effort must be initiated now to raise all weaker sections of our Hon’ble society and every such concrete determination is going to help set-in that new Beginning for our Planet, as sought by the objective of this site. Let Modern-science or any human intellect prove women-status as inferior in respect to males; no human-endeavour or scientific achievement could even make a tiny blade of grass grow; learn to respect the Spirit of God, earlier the better. Trying to locate God in test-tubes will yield no result; find God within yourself, it is easier and more purposeful. First, realize and get grips with the Spirit flowing thru all of us by acquiring Spiritual wisdom and then implement its allied astuteness by practicing the same into your life/in regions of higher Field-of-Actions & conflicts: only then one will be able to feel THAT Supreme Existence; God-bless! you may even turn out to be a virtuous one to also succeed in obtaining Divine approval to harness its Power for more purposeful application, as explained in [H S-s].

The Poison released-out of Foul-conduct from the evil spirited-mind amongst men is far much more pungent & detrimental towards welfare of humanity than the routine bodily fluids discharged as a nature-designed function for women, which can be no reason for human degradation. The hidden-trick here is not to get deceived by the container (human-body) but value its contents (Spirit-quality). I agree that there is a problem with womenfolk around men whilst struggling towards higher regions of realizations, but God has made this exercise purposely like this as a test, so do not get distracted or tempted. That venomous experience is not a result emanated out of women but arrives instantaneously from space to sting you upon your error. Whenever there is a problem in transcending towards higher platforms of Consciousness women can never be an impediment, but; it is always the deceptive eye /(senses) of the man which is the invisible culprit. Carefully evaluate the same more truthfully and try succeeding in defeating ignorance (that poisonous negative-energy) in this regard. Shed lust to seek sensual joy & experiences for satisfying the lower vital out of women; only then one could begin to experience the difference. Why blame the womenfolk rather tame & control your Mind; it can be done and all need to do it, if you are weak move away but please do not condemn the women for no fault of theirs. Analyze the source of error and God will help you find a lasting remedy for that blurred-vision, for; truth is powerful enough all by itself to unveil that True honorable Beauty & Talent of a lady also, as hinted herein. If God can be well accepted, visualized and worshiped in stones/statues, then why not in a woman? Each human is an embodiment of the living God.

Most humbly & respectfully it is submitted that: the highest order in respect to attainment of any Priest/Saint-hood or Divine-hood can be of no bar upon Women-folk who by virtue of their accredited performance & evolution have already well substantiated splendid capability by becoming head of States and also in far excellence towards most advanced roles in society, as on record. It is the Deeds which matter and not mere birth or gender in shaping destiny of our planet’s future; one has the right to choose any gender as a body/vehicle to come into this world to Perform & enjoy the grandeur of Nature in every respect by working within the established agenda of our society. If mankind seeketh to have an early New-Beginning towards more purposeful Joys & Contentment in lifestyle ahead: understand that, just like we humans evolved out of animals, now its time for us to further evolve towards a more superior human-being by transforming our Mind-stuff towards regions of higher values. Compliance within the framework of Truth & Righteousness whilst performing our daily actions in life is the only answer, everything else will follow, as explained by various posts in the Spirituality section.

Forget those outdated doctrines which differentiate female from male in the correct spiritual-sense. Arise! Try and reach those higher avenues of Consciousness to understand what Christ & other great sages of past meant actually, for; it was the mind which was giving problems not the women. More wisdom & mind-control is called for: GET IT but please do not condemn the women for your ignorance & lack of control. The complete purpose of life is an exercise over the mind: DO ITor remain where you are presently without redemption from misery? As one begins to ponder upward, one would be able to see himself in every woman too; even the feeblest such realization could onset the arrival of better times for all ahead, as sought for by this site’s objective

The primitive ways of our thinking needs amendment in order for us to Transform ourselves & Transcend towards higher goals in perfect alliance with the normal process of evolution. Let IGNORANCE not deprive us of the abundant bounty of Joys awaiting to be conquered together by Both human-genders i.e. this Duo is most superb creation of the Creator this far. The dire consequences of contentment within prevailing Ignorance would only yield detrimental results with added misery ahead. It is vehemently reaffirmed that the objective for any human is not to obtain early Redemption from this world for her/himself and retreat back into original-parenthood, but to help all evolve & enjoy every grandeur moment of this worldly life also as a part of Creation, without being worldly. Salvation will come automatically as you continue striving towards Perfection by practicing wisdom into your daily actions. Fuse yourself into the vastness of the Creator’s creation most harmoniously in order to arrive at those unimaginable Joyful Realms of life, also known as total-Bliss, whilst we Live & Perform in this world the correct way.

I most respectfully appeal before all women of this world, that: you noble ones are not impure even during those few days of the month in the eyes of God. If you can enter the highest place of worship (Field-of-Action) i.e. your workplace, offices, kitchen, homes etc during those few days then you can also enter the highest Temple on this planet, do not get carried away by past practices & ignorance; change your thinking now. God does not revere the physical quality of a body, but values the eminence of its Spiritual content. Please forgive and help all to shed Unawareness of past so as to help the magnificent couple of wo-mankind evolve further, together. You good-hearted ones have already won your freedom in every respect in the eye of the Creator; get rid of every type of captivity holding you from reaching & enjoying those higher levels of performance. We are all here in this world to Perform our very best in our respective arenas of any desired Field-of-action which we select. Let us not aim towards Redemption, Exit or the Escape-route from this world, or remain isolated from the mainstream with an alibi of seeking salvation & higher pursuits towards knowledge. Every piece of Divine wisdom & enhanced Capability can be obtained whilst you work to serve within the mainstream of the society, gone are the days when you needed to become Buddha to obtain enlightenment. Everything that the highest Sage or human God obtained in past; can be obtained by you, here, whilst you Perform your duties within the masses, with the masses, together. Let the ignorant ones change or otherwise perish. The laws of God are humble but very FIRM.

9.  KINGDOM of HEAVEN    …  (R-1)

The dire need to CHANGE in order to open shut-doors to bring the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and make our living become Joyous & more purposeful.

Where is the Promised-Land of Moses/ Jesus & where rests the Kingdom of Heaven much emphasized thence by the great Sages, as on history records? Commitment made by such Great Sages can never fail, for: it is we who failed to understand them. We in fact only helped Satan (Demonic/asuric powers) by betraying Jesus in fear of consequences prevailing at that time, as a result; the sacrificial works of Jesus remained incomplete. Jesus had only commenced his preaching when unfortunately mighty opposition got up-surged against him; we were too weak thence for having opted not to support but rather turned our face away from Jesus. The Roman Empire was not that malicious to have rejected the philosophy indoctrinated by Jesus but, it was the wicked Power-house of Demonic evil (asuric) forces, governed by Satan. Such cruel/Negative-energy-forces work-together under collective networks too powerful for the feeble Positive-minded Simple-folks to combat. As an outcome; we let Jesus depart from us without completing His Works. In subsequent stages His lordship would have delivered us with much more Wisdom, as promised.

Jesus, a true manifestation of the Supreme Creator, has since then waited long enough for us to evolve at our own pace to realize, but our progress remained extremely tardy & worthless, in that direction. Now it has become imperative to recognize Nature’s demand that; partial Works of Sages be sustained. Its proper continuation & implementation would exhibit those Heavens which the great Sages wanted to gift civilization i.e. to experience those Grandeurs of Creation. About 2000 years have elapsed since then, has Misery not invaded enough upon our lives today suggesting us to change? Indeed it would be sensible for us to accept that; this Planet of ours, as of today, is nowhere near any Heaven. Instead our world is overwhelmed with abundance of evil-distaste, hatred-ness, human-unrest, foul-play, mass-discontentment, joblessness, hopelessness etc. also by its result; accompanied by miserable Climate- conditions, floods, droughts, earthquakes and various other such adversaries distressing the basics of humanity and every life on our planet.

Today we need to awaken that New-Beginning, i.e. proceed onward; from where Jesus left us. But, how can a New-Beginning commence if we remain resolute not to change?  Please do not decide towards any refusal to change. Let past sins & fears be cast away by pledging an unconditional support towards Truth & Righteousness as there is nothing more superior to this duet that governs every life & existence on Earth. Why it should be so difficult to follow this simple guideline fearlessly? Every substance, visible & invisible present in our world is a result of the Force & Quality of the Spirit working in us; we as human-beings willfully or unconsciously work meticulously with this Spirit each moment to further ‘condition-it’ & improve the same according to our needs. Without this Spirit-Energy our physical body is useless, worth not a single pie but needs to be disposed away. Why not ponder towards learning more valuable aspects of this Energy i.e. its Source, Control and Application just what various Sages began to show with their Works thence but had to discontinue upon our absence of determination to grasp the finer aspects of the game. Why need to prefer fearing the hostile forces instead of respecting Truth?

Jesus and other such great Masters sacrificed their entire Lives to deliver our civilization a better place to work & enjoy life. We instead continued with evil-practices compelling Jesus to soak in him the heavy burden of our sins, hoping we would sin no more. But yet we sinned and continue to sin. We have sinned more than enough and it is now time for us to CHANGE; to realize the difference by not erring and also pay back the debt we owe to the revered Souls who gave up everything for our sake with a hope that wisdom would prevail soon. Can we not Change to cooperate with Nature to benefit entire Humanity?

If Jesus’ or other Sage’s work had been completed this far: we would have all witnessed that Joyous-Heaven in this world by now; instead we are rather groping under darkness to struggle for our existence. If anyone has experienced those Grandeurs of heaven then please show it to this world? That Salvation much spoken about in sermons & books is an outdated practice which one would attain for her/himself (selfish) and then bid good-bye. The better reason for going into seclusion is a purpose to return back and deliver the goods, not to disappear for good. Today, the Modernized-mind wants to see the Power of that Salvation which would carry one to the extreme proximity with the Creator, in a manner, so that the much sought Transformation for our aged planet could be envisaged. There is no need to enter into kingdoms of Heavens anymore; let the Heavens be brought down upon Earth. This is what Swami Vivekananda & Sri Aurobindo professed to be as an outcome-token of the Creator’s grace towards its Creation, achieved by the wise citizenry by cooperating with Nature. Every other type of such enlightenment or salvation which falls short of obtaining Global-relief is invalid today if it does not meet the purpose of Nature’s proposed New Beginning. Food, minerals, oil i.e. natural products’ prices which have escalated beyond common reach need be restored. Onset of gleaming-Economics together with the eradication of diseases & adversaries must now begin. We can now witness the Power of the Creator to see that God cares & loves us, it will commence if we opt to Change.

The remedy-equation is Simple: Every aspect as quoted in this site’s objective is possible by the result of Energy from our Mother-nature but we need to make our tiny contribution to cooperate with the Laws of Nature. All what is being emphasized now; the time has arrived when we have no other option left but to try and follow the most elementary path of the valuable doctrine as proposed by Sages i.e. extend full support for Truth & Righteousness vehemently and experience the hidden blessings of Nature. Please realize that Satan (evil) is merrily enjoying at the cost of our inability & ignorance in this regard: be brave & fearless, arise & defeat him. We need to Change to do that?

One must not remain locked-up into a rigid mechanical way of past life or like a robot; learn to adapt the technique to close old chapters and open doors towards Newer-Horizons. Use acumen to blend in your intellect + wisdom into a new outlook towards a better purpose of life. Do not haplessly captivate yourself to carry on living within obsolete mental-frameworks as a burden upon your life. Welcome updated Philosophy which would uplift humanity for higher-flights towards a major Transformation in respect to a newer generation upon this planet by progressing from within: the “Will-to-Change”. If you can be wise enough to accept that Jesus performed miracles about 2000 years back then why shy to expect something much greater in the similar fashion which could guide us with an altogether new lifestyle towards more purposeful objectives in better interests of humankind. But such WILL to Change has to be sprouted out from your within by virtue of your effort, not otherwise i.e. it is you who has to decide and it is you who has to work within yourself to transform.

Love for each other is the fundamental element in respect to proper human existence. We need to see God amid our thickest foes in order to reach the Supreme Controller of our planetary existence, as God dwells in them too. Knowledge, wisdom and various other constituents of God-stuff, its associated Power/Energy and everything pertaining to its implementation & capability will follow suit as an impeccable rule of Nature the moment you decide in favour of the right approach towards a better way of life. Today we need to welcome that New-Beginning, i.e. move onward from where Sages left us but before that we need to bring an end to the present era of Satanic (evil) rule i.e. the need now is to detect that point-of-concentrated Negativity-Source shrewdly working in our society like a colossal-bug, remove it. The New-Beginning would only launch once we become determined to end this detrimental Source of our present misery; there is no other option available, the earlier we do it the better.

This site draws the kind attention of Global citizenry to please come forward with determination to cooperate with Nature in unveiling that evil-source and destroy it with the power of Wisdom to experience the difference! Believe me that such cooperation would result as a collective-achievement towards that TURNING-Point to mark the commencement of a New-Beginning which is the prime concern of our obligation towards Global interest. No matter whatever else be done: i.e. any number of Osama-Bin-Ladens may be killed, nations destroyed but there will be no respite or redemption from the present miserable state of worldly affairs of this ultra-glum era, it is fated this way. Only Wisdom is required to identify, locate & overthrow Satan’s HQs (I could disclose the location if needed). Even a strong collective pledge to do the needful would automatically bring in the various required inputs from the Creator. The role of the Creator’s intercession & its magnitude would remain directly proportional to our contribution in terms of our collective determination. Now onward, it ought to be: Global citizenry versus Satan (evil) or else we stay put to remain at our present level of Consciousness weaning under the grips of endless misery?

The Formula – of –Test (mantra), to commence the New-beginning:

I have been struggling alone this far over the past about 5 years in regard to the most pertinent aspect of defeating that Satanic-source to prove the importance of Truth & Righteousness before the world. My pending matter need to be taken-up as a challenge before the global public and tried out at the ICJ by UN as it meets their commitment to resolve such issues pertaining to crimes against Humanity. I do not seek any support or help in my personal-favour, but I ONLY beg before all to please cooperate in supporting Principles of Truth & Righteousness, I am also doing just the same unconcerned about its outcome, as desired by God. Every sincere prayer offered in this direction could make the difference towards endorsing our ‘Readiness for a Change’, before the eye of the Creator for it to react suitably. Indeed, the Creator alone can do the needful but she wants it to be done this nobler way i.e. by the Public – for the Public; as a matter of a Test before the Public. It is sheer common-sense to understand that it could be only thereafter i.e. upon such achievement; when related public can be considered successful pertaining to their respective assigned missions in society so as to qualify & deserve in looking-upward at higher-regions of added resources from Mother-Nature, in global interest. If we fail to do this much, we need to stay put for more time? The Creator is not a Public servant but expects the Public to amend outdated practices and respect higher principles in life much needed towards the revivification & management of improved interests for all in Society. We should not expect God intervene into our such trivial routine tasks where it is easily possible to resolve issues within reach of our already possessed human-capability; as part of Duty & Responsibility of our-own managed Administrative-institutions & Courts specifically meant for public-welfare. Without accomplishing such pending tasks our own conscience would obstruct us from progressing with the Will & Determination to change /improve. We need to be fearless when we are required to support higher principles in life; do not be weaklings by turning your face away from Truth. The greater sacrifices one makes for the sake of Truth & Righteousness the closer one gets to the Creator. We can easily activate that new beginning just by virtue of our accepting Truth as Supreme before expecting that much needed Transformation to commence; which indeed is a Mighty-Task, only possible through Truth / Divine inputs, not otherwise.



               Collective Objective for Earth Planetarians

Earlier our concept of life’s ultimate goal was based upon obtaining knowledge, skill & wisdom which comprised multiple purposes for: enjoying pleasures from the materialistic world, achieving professional Perfection — realization, salvation & subsequently liberation, as the final escape route from this physical world i.e. there was not even another thought available other than this sequenced course during one’s entire journey. Today circumstances compel that a new objective for human civilization on planet Earth be established by which destiny of life could be revised which could enable one to excel and avail more beyond the present Joy, as available on Earth. How can the governance of any country or a region assure its respective citizens with greater Joy, delight, and more purposeful living within the limitations of the present garb of our living conditions & standards? It is time now for the wise to transcend and explore beyond every veiled possibility. Planet Earth’s soil is worn-out and can deliver no more, even the water & air is polluted. The only way is to welcome a change with any technique which could embrace the process towards revival & renewal of every life & particle on this planet, the most reliable way; made known today as ‘Planetary Transformation’.  

The miserable conditions of our weary Planet & its occupants have turned over to be such that it has now become imperative to seek & proceed towards a Transformation in respect to continuation of life upon the Planet, in a more desirable manner. An altogether new & bigger stride need be now accomplished towards the veiled regions of Nature’s progressive storehouse containing greater joy & purpose with renewed hope for human progress towards healthy & Joyous persistence. The stagnation & dearth of natural resources & limited human performance demands the introduction of an augmented INFLUX of ENERGY which would not only revive & restore the diminished possibility towards more joyous & purposeful living under clean & healthier environment but also enhance human capability to explore beyond the present perception of life, in every respect. Had the evolved citizenry resorted towards Transformation about a century back after achieving salvation our Planet would not have been experiencing misery & adversaries today, instead; with an enthralling world bustling with various prospects, inter-galaxy transfers, newer challenges and its associated Joy & wonders.

The better option available for humankind is to continue Spirituality and its associated science from that point onwards where it was abandoned long back due to impatience and ignorance. By deciding this recourse beyond the point of salvation one can experience Joy of both worlds: “materialist & spiritual” with a perception which would become totally different as the objective would shift towards application of attainable ‘Energy’; in coordination with God, as explained in this site. Forget the Buddha & Sankara philosophy of the earlier Divine merger course which was good enough thence; change now! for now is the ripened time to change?

Arise! Awaken! Please do not choose to remain comfortable under a cloud of ignorance & falsehood of being limited; try and expand beyond every limitation of thought & action. Steer onto the correct course which will take you on to a better track as there is much more to be achieved & enjoyed besides what we have seen or heard this far within our tiny Planet. Try thinking on these new lines after all one must understand that this materialistic world is also a result of Spiritual Energy. We must get determined to get to the source of that precious constructive Power which could release more of such Energy beneficial for suitable applications. Indubitably, it appears now, as if God has already decided to upgrade our Planet, but; more the opposition to it, more would be the destruction, so it would be better to cooperate, and at least, see the changes taking shape?

Spiritual life was earlier abandoned because people wanted to enjoy more of the senses pertaining to the material world only and also found it difficult to practice Righteous conduct in society. It is not required to abandon such sensual desires but alongwith also grasp Spiritual wisdom with the right Spirit which can render more opportunities to enjoy the materialistic world even better; by understanding the realms of Spirituality. This special science is not that which had been frightfully thought about this far i.e. which took us away from the world, instead it will enable one learn how to enjoy the human life even better by the process of expansion, in every respect.

Today, even in order to remain comfortable materialistically, as of our present world; we yet need to avail more from our conventional Natural resources within the planet in order to sustain life in a manner by which every need could be accommodated; by either of the three options:

         i.     Reducing the population to enable one have sufficient of whatsoever remains left available on the planet. or

                    ii.        Increasing the production of every natural product within the planet suitably so that more occupants of the planet could avail everything easily and we also succeed in cleaning-up the polluted environment. This does not seem possible with the limited human capability, resources and useful ‘Energy’, available with us today.  or

                  iii.        Perusal towards a technique by which an increased influx of more compatible ‘Energy’ could be brought upon Earth for delivering the second option; fetching greater joy from natural resources, enhanced human capability and also beyond. Such possibility could only be available thru Divine-intercession which could also enable reduce the distance between our planet and neighbouring galaxies; to interact easily, share and make life more interesting & purposeful. The only way to get such ‘inflow’ of augmented Energy with the correct intent is to get to the source of Divinity thru Spiritual science, make the Divine work with/for us and deliver all that which is now needed to change our stagnated lifestyle towards regions of better prospects.

About 2000 years back Jesus professed,  “ come to me and I will show you the kingdom of heaven”, he couldn’t have lied for he is considered worthy as God, even today. That time there was one person known as Jesus who could see the hidden kingdom of Joy & happiness, but; today the possibility for all of us to see that realm of multiple Joys and wonders is again available.

There is no other option left for us Planetarians but to adapt the way of Truth and Righteousness, because; it is these perfect blend which will reveal the true face of the SPIRIT by help of SP_Science. This proposal could lead all towards that unlimited source of Power much needed now to resurrect our almost dead Planet. By Transformation you can not only transform the planet but also revive the dead cells in your body to get back your youth, make nature work alongside and change all that which needs to be changed. Indeed determination is required, but please believe; in that — that everything in this world can be changed. Get out of your inertia, wake-up! Pledge to conquer that Energy and suitably direct it upon the right track to Transform the outdated style of our aged planet, its civilization & occupants. The indication of steering the right course would be reflected in the ‘Transformation Update’, of this site.

                                                  Salvation v/s Civilization
Salvation is the final milestone marked by the Creator in regard to achievement pertaining to acquired Consciousness of an individual. But that does not mean an end of journey in regard to the traverse of Human-Soul in this world. The better purpose of attaining Salvation is to enable one transcend & work beyond the barriers of self-satisfaction oriented workstyle. After one acquires the True salvation one remains at liberty whether to go back home (redemption/mukti) or continue selfless work with the spirit of service (seva) to humanity, only. But if one seeketh Redemption as next objective after Salvation — the result is that Civilization has won the battle over Salvation?
The true purpose of Salvation is to deploy that higher Consciousness acquired into selfless dedicated service of the Civilization/humanity/masses to such a large extent that Transformation of Civilization is made successful. Salvation attainment means shedding I-ness, My-ness, sensual pleasures and complete de-attachment from worldliness — to become a true servant of God. The demonstration of such super-work can be accomplished with the spirit of ‘Truth & Righteousness’ performed sufficiently enough so as to be considered worthy about the authoritative gospel of Salvation. Only thereafter it could signify to establish that: Salvation has won over the Civilization. It is difficult but possible: In fact it is reason why past great sages could not stride ahead with such intentions — most of them rather sought the easier way and exited this playground. Maybe God made it like that. There is no headway without divine grace; become an observer and notice the working of divine within and let Him handle the controls. The divine power has to unleash.
Indeed one can go back home after attaining Salvation i.e. upon realization about the difference between worldly life & spiritual life, in fact; one can even go back before reaching Salvation. Those who have attained the milestone and possess a physical body healthy enough should try continue struggle to lift the collective consciousness to higher planes to enable others sufficiently enough to catch a glimpse of the availability of a more joyous/ higher platform of civilized life. That is why it is always better if one could achieve salvation as early as possible in life by implementing such knowledge, wisdom & skill as practice into one’s daily actions in life and not postpone spiritual wisdom as retirement plans.
Unfortunately the obstructive forces even today are too powerful which compel the liberated soul to go back home; but one can continue to strive and dedicate even the last breath for the welfare of selfless service towards civilization. Do not look at the outcome but only at the quality of your work output. Hostility will finally give way and allow a more noticeable new dawn set-in to endorse the difference, as in past, long back. Nature has to be made to creep in; as a part of its evolutionary process. The wise citizenry must make more contribution to speed up the process of need & capability for sustenance in respect to our weary Planet which is presently groping under darkness & inertia with too many problems created by the lower consciousness. The easiest way out is to practice ‘Truth & Righteousness’ at any cost; every required Wisdom, Power, Grace and every Capability will consequently pour in to transform the world, if the intent is pure & firm.
Swami Vivekananda had expressed this brilliant idea and Sri Aurobindo gave it the right shape for adornment — towards a Reality. The present government of India has the potential to conquer such rebellious forces. It must act prudently enough to validate the true wisdom & power of India idling within her garb — the time is ripe enough now.


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