Air pollution is a modern predator meant to remind us about values of precious ancient science. The deeper contents buried deep within Hindutva contains requisite wisdom which need be obtained by diving deep within it with a pure selfless spirit to serve all life on our planet groping for freshness. There exists a creator for this planet and we need to strive sufficiently enough to make contact with Him to avail sufficient rains for periodical removal of accumulated pollutants in the atmosphere. An elite technique was practised long back when the pure/stout devotees could get needed rains at the right time; by virtue of the covenant factor with Him. We all come, perform and go back to our origin during the journey of our Soul, but try whilst living — to get grips about deep diving into divine wisdom accessible within all of us. Jesus and many more could do it. Today our planet is facing Pollution & Global Warming threats. Every piece of necessary wisdom is available at this site, get it, to save the planet & its occupants.
Wish you all Merry Christmas & a more purposeful New Year ahead.