Air pollution has emerged as a modern predator destined to remind us about ancient values of basic science. The profound contents of such purposeful wisdom remain buried within Hindutva which need be excavated by diving deep within yourself with a pure selfless spirit to serve our planet groping for better living. There indeed exists a creator for our planet and we need to make contact with that Divine powerhouse to avail frequent rains & favorable winds for timely removal of accumulated pollutants in the atmosphere. An elite technique was practiced long back when pure devotees could avail sought weather conditions by virtue of a closer proximity with God. We all come to earth, perform deeds/karma incessantly for finding everlasting happiness and eventually seek a recourse towards going back home, during the journey of our Soul. During such a life process, whilst living one needs to get grips about deep-diving into divine wisdom, accessible within all of us. Jesus and many more could do it. Today our planet is facing pollution, global-warming, uncontrolled rains & flood havocs. Every piece of wisdom to suitable control the planet and its ambience is available at this site. Succeed in getting and enjoying it — before setting course for the final destination.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
True concept of Hindutva
The true essence of valuable wisdom within the domain of Hindutva remains buried deep within its garb. Mere getting grips with Vedic/spiritual wisdom is not sufficient enough to avail the merits of a closer proximity with the Creator. One need to proceed beyond wisdom; deeper into the realms of divinity thru extreme practice of total surrender & faith in God, accompanied by love & intense devotion/bhakti. The optimized path for an ideal living is to attain total perfection in one’s field of action by working in covenant with the divine thereby enabling one to achieve the best trajectory to experience Joy/Ananda of both the worlds. Such eligible ones could help transfer of requisite Divine-Energy towards transformation of every life upon earth [R-3]… explained in the Spiritual section.
Happy new year ahead
PRANAYAMA (Control over spirit Energy)
Pranayama is an extremely intricated exercise getting popular to augment our vital element of spirit-energy and gain access with enhanced capability over acquiring & control of Prana/Vital-energy. Prana is an effective way to battle modern diseases & various adversaries threatening our planet which conventional science cannot achieve. Presence of prana in entire cosmos/space is also called dark-energy/matter by modern astrophysicists/scientists. Whereas, Air (Vayu) within Earth’s atmospheric envelope is God/nature-made composition of [gaseous content + Prana] which together are mandatory for survival of earthly living-beings. Celestial objects can sustain its existence by use of Prana alone. Dynamics of Prana within reach can be enriched by acquiring profound grips with yogic/spiritual-wisdom. Attempt to practice advanced pranayama without proper guidance could lead one towards complications. .… as explained in the end of Spirituality section.
DUAL World Maneuver
Our tiny world has a Dual-operation function which comprises of a Spiritual world + materialistic world, each under action with its own purpose. The materialistic world emerged out of the Spirit of God/Creator. Whereas, the Spiritual realm has been existing since a very long period i.e. as far as one can think. A material problem in our world can be seen and set right using material science but a spiritual problem cannot be easily tackled by conventional science. We need knowledge, wisdom & capability — using applications of Special (Vedic) sciences; to get grips over its art of control, using spiritual manoeuvres. Such techniques remain under command of higher planes of Consciousness. This is the reason why the Co-19 bugs, global warming and uncontrolled rains/weather are wrecking our planet, making life miserable for all its residents. It’s time to arise towards higher planes of perception & actions to avail relief & wonders, as a newer way towards a better life.
Transformation Update + precious wisdom
Proper human endeavour needs us to transcend towards higher planes of Consciousness/capability. Our most basic form of existence has relevance towards Spiritual-science which contains wisdom & applications towards engagement of smart Spirit-Energy flowing within and around us. We need avail higher realms of Joys by virtue of getting grips with wisdom which governs every life on planet. India has talent of spiritual-scientists who could deploy precious potential energy for augmenting every life on our planet whirling under misery due ignorance. We need seek a Wonder of nature that could rescue us with hope about future sustenance of our planet. …. as appended at the end of Bulletin No.8 (Rev-13), in the Service section. [last 9 pages at the end of the article is re2-supplemented]
Need to proceed beyond present misery
The option before us whether to seek renewal or transformation for our weary planet is almost over as the impasse with regard to stagnation and degradation within has exceeded limitations. It is only a great miracle that could prevent dissolution of our planetary existence amid the colossal cosmos, as a part of the game. Sufficient vital simplified wisdom has been presented about function of various important human components within, to understand how possibility of a rescue phenomenon of nature, as a last hope, could be availed. … as explained in Bulletin No.8 (Rev.13) in the Services section, in the last 9 pages of the article.
Modern problems Ancient solutions
The present era presents the world with newer problems/predators for this modern world to combat. Every problem does not have a common solution easily available within the ambit of our conventional sciences. We need dig-out deeper intelligence stacked elsewhere by tapping higher planes of Consciousness. Every matter and each problem/predator has basically two constituents — matter + spirit energy. Proper access to one of the two could solve every problem. There is no problem which cannot be rectified — God has made it this way. One need explore newer possibilities in every direction to make life better on this lone planet. Spirit-energy oriented problems cannot be controlled by materialistic/scientific approaches.Divine assisted applications are most suitable which also contain ease of proper deployment. [ to be explained soon ]
Expertise of control over rains & accessible natural resources.
RAINS this year 2018, again brought misery and remained unsatisfactory to fetch timely joy around the year by creating floods and remaining almost absent in winter. We have the potential to control such adversaries by application of that portion of human science/energy which remains idle; meant to be conquered and suitably deployed. Control over rains & other accessible natural resources need be gained — through Grace. More conscious engagement to work truthfully, i.e. in conjunction with God as his instruments could enable one enjoy multiple benefits within present human life.. … as appended in the end of Bulletin No. 6 in the Service Section. Lets pray to enjoy a happier Christmas and look forward towards an improved & newer India ahead this time in 2019.
Science ~ secret of Clouds
The amazing feat towards formation, movement & dissipation of Clouds is indeed a play of specialized-science which need be brought under our grips to make living more comfortable and sustainable. If conventional science could not provide a solution towards control over clouds — human intelligence need search deeper within Nature’s garb. Vedic science that became extinct long back need be revived to guide us about weather & climate control to make every life more enjoyable on our planet. But, application of Vedic science for this purpose could take us long due to its vastness; i.e. it may not be possible in a single lifetime. Hence it would be wise & purposeful to have faith upon established Wisdom. We need find an early solution towards Global Warming & Air Pollution as these two predators could bring misery upon our planet. Nature has offered us a solution, as appended in Bulletin no. 6 in the service section.
Art of Creation of Weather
Conventional science has been fairly effective with regard to observation, prediction & collecting data pertaining to formation of weather systems, rain & their associated effects upon our planet earth. It is now time to discover latent possibilities about attaining requisite wisdom for creating weather and also get engaged with mechanisms of various mysterious processes & operations within our celestial systems; to deploy them suitably for purpose of transforming every life upon our planet. The necessity for a better future (achhae din) has now become an unresolved demand from every life & substance which reside upon this planet…. as appended at the end of Bulletin No.6 [Rev-17] in the Service Section.