The correct purpose of attaining Salvation (moksha) is to deploy acquired Consciousness outward into selfless & dedicated service towards Civilization/humanity/masses to such a large extent that, Transformation of Civilization becomes successful. But as a routine practice; if one seeketh Redemption (mukti) as next objective after Salvation — the result would be that: Civilization has won the battle over Salvation? The need to understand various predicaments about reason for Salvation to prevail over Civilization … is briefly explained at the end of the Objective section.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Control over Air Pollution
Air pollution is a man-made predator which wants to destroy our health, comforts & the Planet. Human is the cause for it and human has the solution for it. Population control & control over population are both within the present reach /capability of human-beings. God expects us to use our various available resources to control this menace before it starts controlling us. It’s time to try transform the Mind a step ahead — towards Supermind; not under fear or doubt but with more submission & sincerity, if the true purpose of our Planetary existence need be realized & better enjoyed. … as also contained within Bulletin No.6 of Service section.
Grace & Will of God … ?
Divine Grace or blessings is the showering of basic pure Energy (prana) in the form of spirit released by the Creator to enhance/ augment the ‘existing’ potential of the recipient upon whom or whatsoever object the energy has been directed. Whereas, the WILL is the outcome of a concentrated effort in the form of [spirit+intent] power which could be an arrangement of Psyche Energy either in spirit or a materialized format released by God or any donor, with a specified intent … as explained in the Spirituality section.
Human Power
Harnessing youth power may be sought as a newer proposition by the ignorant these days when it has become imperative to obtain newer supplement of much needed Energy for enhancing various depleted domains and weakened structures of human work-systems. Indeed youth do contain ‘Energy’ and also have capability to generate Energy but it does not mean more the youth, more the energy derivable out of them in a particular direction/ objective: What matters more is the quality possessed by them. The immediate requirement now is the skill of getting grips with that veiled science of ‘Spirit-Energy’ echelon … as appended in the Spirituality section [ Revision 1 ]
Transforming INDIA … the vedic way
Prospective indications in respect to our country’s governance towards transforming the country & restoring its true glory in regard to human skill & outstanding performance can be observed now. To understand finer aspects of higher planes of Consciousness/ elite science and to avail its embedded applications; one must first wisely learn & understand the Spirit flowing within and around us, before exploring or tapping such possibilities …. as explained in Bulletin no.12, in the Service section.
Good Times Ahead / Monsoon Bonanza
Our country’s distressed citizens are now looking ahead for joyous days. Our Hon’ble Prime Minister had correctly made recent assertions, “ achhae din aanae walae hain ” (Good days/ times are going to come). The huge public mandate has already confirmed the arrival of good times needed to transform India. In fact, Indians should now be looking forward to“ Khushion bhare din ” (Joyous Days) to arrive. An ‘Optimum Monsoon’ plays a significant role; as Nature’s participation. The True meaning of such great times & how to avail its early advent … is explained in Bulletin no.11 of the Service Section. [ Revision 2]
What is Patal / missing plane
The entire cosmos created by the creator is extremely vast and unfathomable by human-intellect. It is a creation of perfectly designed art of Nature. Galaxies are made, demolished and precisely rebuilt time and again with purpose, as desired by nature over the past Trillions of years. One such domain is known as Pattal which is a region of disillusion & darkness — it appears we may be heading towards that direction? also read about the missing plane’s probability ….. as described in the Spirituality section.
Corrective Training
This materialistic world of ours is a very ‘Big-Tangle’. In our ignorant life, we come to this world at our own Will — Perform — and go back, as a recycling process. Repentance, Penance & Tapasya (Enhanced-training) is the course of a refining Mill which need be treaded throughout life till one discovers the hidden wisdom within us. … as explained in the Philosophy Section.
How to find the Missing Plane
The technique to find the missing plane is accessible within the realm of the most Scientific way — by the science of the Spirit; from which every existence on this planet had evolved. Conventional-science can never succeed alone with higher pursuits; nature has made it that way. Instead worldwide effort must shift the focus towards TRUTH. Global Public must revere the importance of Truth; as it is Truth alone which could unveil any mystery which gets obscured due any reason … as appended in Bulletin No.9 — in the Service section. Also read ‘ What is Patal’ post in regard to this subject.
What is Nad
Significance of Nad within human beings: one must learn the most ancient & precious concept of wisely listening to the Nad. Just like fragrance out of flowers; this is a continuous heavenly hymn that emanates out of the Creator with a soothing rhythm within the human brain/ mind. If one can latch onto its melody; the true potency of a human being could be realized. Try best to get grips with this Divine piece of wondrous tune which is somewhat similar to that of the gentle buzzing of the bee-like creature — heard in village farm-fields at night. Moreover, proper understanding of this exclusive music could also lead one to the ENERGY Powerhouse of Nature. Various applications could be envisaged by virtue of harnessing this natural-mechanism leading one towards joyous and comfortable-living; it could also help promoting every purpose of human life upon our Universe and Beyond.