Everything in our huge Cosmos (Brahmaand) is a constituent of God particles whose most basic form is Energy. It is a good achievement for CERN scientists to have now reached a closer access to this reality the scientific way. Much more is required to get its core-wisdom revealed in order to bring in a suitable Transformation upon our weary-Planet for all life to obtain the much needed Joyous relief towards onward progress with evolution … as explained in the Spirituality section. (R-1)
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Kingdom of Heaven, on Earth
Where is the Promised-Land of Moses/ Jesus, where dwells the Kingdom of Heaven much emphasized thence by various Great Sages, as on record? Jesus did not fail thence, but instead we failed. Nature recommends; the partial Works of past Great Sages be completed soon as time is crying-out at us to instead bring that Heaven upon Earth now by ushering our civilization into the next step of evolution, as annexed in the Objective section. …. (R-1)
Elegant Women v/s Priesthood
Women eminence in regard to her role in society needs more open-mindedness in order to accept her equally at par with her male-counterparts. It is humbly emphasized: that human be considered more superior, she or he, whosoever has achieved a higher level of Consciousness. As such elevated state’s attainment contains higher ‘Faculty of Control’ over ones Capability pertaining to all-round Human-Performance. Physical-body of a human-being could be of any gender, what matters; is the Quality of the Consciousness deployed in Spirit-form that drives physical-bodies. .. as elaborated in the Objective section. (R-1)
pangs of IGNORANCE
Ignorance is the biggest enemy within us which needs to be conquered through wisdom & its practice into our weary system. Our planet can be liberated from the awful clutches of destiny as prophesied for this year’s destructive show-down. The possibility of success towards its rescue & hope for better civilization ahead remains with the masses to decide, as indicated in the Spirituality section.
Sin no more….. and you will come to my kingdom of Heaven; says God! This is a true guarantee of the Creator. The heavens do not reside upstairs but here amongst us, arise! and realize its joys & wonders once; by embracing Truthfulness and feel the great difference. As explained in the Spirituality section.
whats Righteousness ?
Law of Righteousness gradually becomes a closer constituent of Truth when properly practiced by members of society; enabling human-race evolve towards higher planes of Consciousness in order to experience the wonders of Nature’s-play in our world, as described in the Spirituality section.
short-cut Route from re-births
A short-cut Route is also possible in Nature’s Pandora’s Box for one to choose if deemed suitable; towards finding freedom from the cycle of births, when one accepts defeat in treading the virtuous way-up as designed by Nature… as appended in the Spirituality section.
court-case — importance
Justice is an important component of Truth & Righteousness which contains the fundamental values towards welfare, progress and development of our society. It is responsibility of the active governance of a country to provide Law & Justice to its citizens but corruption and inefficiency amongst concerned authorities deprives the public of such valuable standards, at times. coming up soon in the Court-Cases section.
Field-of-Action? (R-1)
Every moment; we all remain engaged consciously or unconsciously in our respective Field-of-Action(s) with a purpose to perform our very best capability to achieve greater regions of Perfection and assist mankind evolve towards higher avenues of Progress, Joy & Happiness. Find more about this doctrinaire in the Spirituality section.
Death/ re-birth – Salvation (R-1) – relationships?
Every next moment; our life is a re-birth from our past moment. Each succeeding next moment of our life is a follow-up of our past moment’s contained deeds, impressions & acquired consciousness; both physically & mentally. Similarly, Death of the physical- body is ONLY just another continuation process of life and NOT an end of our existence, as mistaken by Mr. Ignorance; as explained in the Spirituality page. Salvation & Liberation are two achievements which belong to the much higher reaches of improved planes of Consciousness experienced by an individual during the final stages of one’s journey of the soul back home; into the Supreme-soul → brahmaan. Relationship / friendship in the True sense plays a very important role in life; such togetherness is more important than its misjudged formal-mechanical connotation.