about Illness & diseases (R-1)

Each individual is fenced around by an invisible protective sheath of Energy (spirit of God / prana). Whenever this fence gets weak, our system becomes vulnerable to attacks by ‘negative-Energy-bugs’ which creep into our system to result illness. Diseases, its cause & effects too possess energy in the form of germs, bacteria, virus etc which are all created by human; either deliberately or out of ignorance. Medicines also, are an output of human effort as a result of science, to control & cure diseases. When such human-developed medicines /treatments fail; there is yet another approach available – Divine Energy. To obtain this type of a rescue; one needs to approach regions of higher Consciousness to fetch that extra Energy which obviously has to be more powerful than that contained within the ‘negative-energy-bug’. It is emphasized that: everywhere, it is Energy that is playing; within human systems and outside. It is time now to explore those elusive higher avenues to get better grips with this ‘Energy-factor’ and suitably harness the same with proper coordination towards beneficial applications; to result improved standards for our planetary existence, in every respect. As elaborated in the Spirituality section.

Is it needed to be Spiritual ?

No, there is no need for one to become Spiritual because you are already Spiritual. Unfortunately this word and its meaning got mangled long back which brewed an uncomfortable feeling among people due ignorance. Modern science has confirmed that every particle in our huge cosmos is a result of a flow of spiritual energy (spirit of God) emanated out of a single point but scientific analysis could not reach that point this far. Spirituality is that part of science which deals with the characteristics of this precious Energy. Unlike conventional science, the approach to gain wisdom on this subject is different, but extremely purposeful; much needed today for an effective Transformation. Human Spiritual-science presents an option to understand our true nature and help ourselves or; otherwise remain locked-up within our misery.


About these Topics

Topics in this Home section would be dwelled upon in detail with schematics in their respective pages to explain for easier understanding instead of the mind-blogging struggle deciphering volumes of ancient scriptures; to get grips with the precious wisdom much needed by mankind today to help transcend towards higher planes of Human Consciousness and enjoy bountiful of joy & contentment. Time has come when Nature is awaiting for ‘that’ wondrous-living to be grabbed out of her garb by throwing-open the hidden science of Mother-Nature.   Moreover, the Topics would also be reshuffled and amended from time-to-time, as required be.

why blend Spirituality, Wisdom into Profession ?

Be it a profession or any field of your Action: Energy is required. This vitality is limited for each individual just as the factors of intellect and capability. There is a provision to tap that extra Energy from outside your system; learn to optimize this faculty by permeating beyond one’s limitations whilst desperately panting towards higher regions of perfection & performance. But, first fathom the basics of your mind-stuff at Human Sp.-science [H S-s] in the service page. Without Wisdom the ignorant mind will falter; as it may not know what is right & what is wrong? For this aspect; understanding Human Philosophy is the answer. Indeed a lot of work is required to ascend the right way ?

wonders of Human Spiritual-science

Explore the various hidden treasures of Nature by understanding the intricacy of Spiritual-science associated with the human-mind & our environment. Learn to control mind by unveiling the latent power of ancient wisdom; increase your knowledge & capability, thereby enabling you transcend towards higher planes of Consciousness to enjoy your true work potential in every field of action  explained in the simplest format to make it within easy reach of all, in this modern-era of a busy life-style – as scientifically described in the Human Spiritual-science [H S-s]  under the Service section /page.

Airline pilot, Bush-pilot or a super-PILOT

As a good pilot, one must keep revising your basics regularly. Some of the stuff not easily available elsewhere could be read in the Aviation section. If you wish to enhance your professional skill and overall capability, try and understand your true composition; read the Human Spiritual-science in the Service page. You will find your performance improve in every aspect of your life as you climb towards reaching that point (spark) from where all the energy flows into our system. I regret I would not be updating much in the Aviation side as I am deeply engrossed in various efforts to result a much needed transformation for our planet today; I am trying hard to build a new India, a great India!

how to go-about this site:

The matter contained in the  Home-page’s various Topics and its related section /page would be indicated by (R-1) whenever its matter is amended or continued from its previous standpoint. [ R meaning revision; followed by its sequence number / numerical i.e. R-1, 2, 3 — ]