Each individual is fenced around by an invisible protective sheath of Energy (spirit of God / prana). Whenever this fence gets weak, our system becomes vulnerable to attacks by ‘negative-Energy-bugs’ which creep into our system to result illness. Diseases, its cause & effects too possess energy in the form of germs, bacteria, virus etc which are all created by human; either deliberately or out of ignorance. Medicines also, are an output of human effort as a result of science, to control & cure diseases. When such human-developed medicines /treatments fail; there is yet another approach available – Divine Energy. To obtain this type of a rescue; one needs to approach regions of higher Consciousness to fetch that extra Energy which obviously has to be more powerful than that contained within the ‘negative-energy-bug’. It is emphasized that: everywhere, it is Energy that is playing; within human systems and outside. It is time now to explore those elusive higher avenues to get better grips with this ‘Energy-factor’ and suitably harness the same with proper coordination towards beneficial applications; to result improved standards for our planetary existence, in every respect. As elaborated in the Spirituality section.